Investing in US instruments like stocks and ETFs work in a similar manner. Visit the stock screener page and select the stock/ETF you want to invest in. On the right-hand side, find the Invest widget and click on “Buy”. You will be taken to the Vested dashboard. Search and select the stock/ETF that you want to invest in. Click on the Buy button on the right-hand side of the screen. You’d be asked to select the type of trade you want to place. You can select either.
Limit Order: Limit order is an instruction given to the broker to execute a trade when an instrument reaches a specific threshold level. Example: BUY Tesla IF Price Hit 1480. You can not place a Limit order on Fractional ownership, you’d have to execute it as a market order. Limit orders are valid up to 90 days on Drivewealth.
Market Order: Is an instruction to the broker to execute a trade at current market price. If this instruction is given during market hours then the trade will be executed instantly at a price at which the next counterparty is willing to transact. This is a quick way to Trade but you will not be sure of what price you will get. You can buy fractional shares only via Market order.
Once you place the order, it will reflect on the Vested dashboard and Kuvera Pending order section. Once your trade is completed, it will reflect in the transactions tab of your US stock portfolio.