How do I set-up auto import?


Please refer our blog post on this topic, which has detailed guide and screenshots for setting up auto-import.

To set up Auto Import of your Consolidated Account Statement (CAS), please follow the following steps:

  • Go to the Import Portfolio section.
  • Click on "ADD EMAIL".
  • Provide your Email and Frequency of import. For instance, you can setup frequency as 1st of every month. Click on "Add"
  • You will be prompted to enter the OTP. Enter the OTP received in the mailbox of provided email. This is to validate that you have access to the email account.
  • You will receive the CAS statement in the email as per the date or frequency entered. Please forward the mail received from or to You can also setup auto-forwarding through your email provider.

Quick guide on how to set up auto-forwarding for:

If your email provider is not this list, do check with them on how to do this.
