Which Mutual Fund should I invest in?


There are two ways to select your mutual fund portfolio on Kuvera-

1/ Financial goal planning - if you are investing to achieve your financial goals then the ideal portfolio for you is based on the duration of your financial goals, their intent and your risk appetite. Kuvera’s comprehensive goal planning solution would do precisely this for you. It will help you decide how much to invest and the portfolio to hold to optimize the chances of reaching your goals.

2/ Wealth building - if you are investing surplus money after most of your financial goals are taken care of then you can use the “Wisdom of the Crowds” to identify the funds to invest in.

We at Kuvera have devised an intuitive solution consisting of “Top Rated funds” for this.

We use a meta-ranking approach to look at all Mutual Fund ratings by rating agencies, by top bloggers across the internet, on fund metrics and fund flows and distil it into our “Top Rated” fund ranking.

The advantages of this approach are:

- It gives you access to all the rating agencies and smart bloggers/investors.

- It corrects for the biases of individuals/agencies and creates a true “Wisdom of the Crowds” intelligence based on an informed group.

- As the “Wisdom of the Crowd” changes so does the portfolio of Top Rated funds - think of it as a re-balanced strategy. It is not static, it updates as the inputs change. You can see all Top Rated Funds here.



