Yes you can import your demat holdings but they should be treated as view only and no transactions should be placed in Demat Folios.
Kuvera is a non-demat platform and if you are moving from a demat platform, then do consider the following:
There are two ways to move completely to Kuvera and close your demat account -
1 Subject to exit load, lock-in and tax considerations, you can sell your demat units through the broker or platform from where you purchased them. Once sold, your demat account can be closed. Place fresh purchase requests on Kuvera in the same schemes and ask for new Folios to be created as Demat Folios cannot be used for non-Demat transactions.
2 Ask your broker to rematerialize your folios. There will be a nominal charge for it. Once folios are rematerialized you can import them to Kuvera following the steps in the "Import Portfolio" screen. You can then close your demat account.
If both these options are not feasible or inconvenient, consider investing new money in Mutual Fund Direct Plans through Kuvera and over time sell your demat holdings and repurchasing them in Kuvera.
Just importing your portfolio today (following the steps in "Import Portfolio" tab) will not close your demat account with the broker or platform. Further, orders placed from demat folios on our platform will get reversed by the AMC. You will have to convert the units from demat to non-demat using one of the steps above.